The Williams Lake Recreational Hockey League is accepting registration for the 2021/22 season. (Photo submitted)

Williams Lake Recreational Hockey League accepting registration for 2021/22 season

The regular season runs until March, with playoffs slated to cap off the year.

The Williams Lake Recreational Hockey League is preparing to glide into what organizers hope will be a back-to-normal season this fall and winter.

Steve O’Hara, who runs the league alongside Mark Chestnut, Bryan Garfield and Tim Lloyd, said registration is now open for the WLRHL and the WLRHL 40-plus league.

League play is slated to get underway at the beginning of October, and O’Hara said 12 teams would be ideal. Games take place at the Cariboo Memorial Recreation Complex.

“Fingers crossed we can start then in the fall,” he said, noting players must be 18 years or older to register.

“We are just trying to grow the league again … we played until November last year but were shut down due to COVID-19, like everything.”

The regular season runs until March, with playoffs slated to cap off the year.

“Teams play one game per week, most of the time, in the evenings,” O’Hara said.

Any teams or individuals wishing to register must do so by the deadline of Sept. 6 by emailing

“Then in the second week of September we’re hoping to have a league meeting with all the team reps, and we will get everything organized,” O’Hara said.


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