Hockey fans of all ages jumped out of their seats when Francis Johnson scored the winning goal against Terrace Saturday night to win in overtime at the Cariboo Memorial Recreation Complex. Angie Mindus photos

Hockey fans of all ages jumped out of their seats when Francis Johnson scored the winning goal against Terrace Saturday night to win in overtime at the Cariboo Memorial Recreation Complex. Angie Mindus photos

Williams Lake Stampeders notch two wins on home ice

Terrace and Prince Rupert visit lakecity in CIHL action

The Williams Lake Stampeders gave their fans something to cheer about this weekend, with two exciting match-ups and two overtime wins.

First up for the Stamps was a Saturday night pairing with the River Kings squad from Terrace.

Fans packed the seats at the Cariboo Memorial Recreation Complex Saturday night for a 7:30 p.m. puck drop.

One goal by Dylan Richardson and two by Jassi Sangha saw the game tied at the end of the third period.

After a few close calls in the Stamps’ end, fans erupted into cheers when Francis Johnson Jr. got one past the River Kings’ netminder to take to win, 4-3, a few minutes into the overtime period.

Sunday saw another close battle with the Stamps taking on the Prince Rupert Rampage for another Central Interior Hockey League (CIHL) game just after 1 p.m.

Sangha, Andrew Fisher and Kaleb Boyle each scored goals for the Stamps, forcing the game into a four on four overtime again.

This time it was Wilf Robbins with an assist from Johnson who won it for the Stamps just 34 seconds into the overtime period.

Sunday also saw a winner drawn for the Stamps’ fundraiser in which a fan from 100 Mile House won $7,000.

Stamps organizers shared the call to the appreciative winner on their Facebook page.

All proceeds earned from the team’s fundraisers are going to host the 2018 Coy Cup in March in Williams Lake.

Next home game for the Stampeders will be Saturday, Dec. 30 at 7:30 p.m. against the Quesnel Kangaroos.

Williams Lake Tribune