The Zone 2 women's soccer team from the 55+ Games in Vernon. Top row, from left: Sharon Davies, Jill Nelson, Tammy Rodgers, Lynn Pendlebury, Wendy Gibbons, Tracy Tufnail, Sandy Tufnail and Karene McGill. Bottom: Linda Wyton, Charlene Vandermark and Tish Scott.

The Zone 2 women's soccer team from the 55+ Games in Vernon. Top row, from left: Sharon Davies, Jill Nelson, Tammy Rodgers, Lynn Pendlebury, Wendy Gibbons, Tracy Tufnail, Sandy Tufnail and Karene McGill. Bottom: Linda Wyton, Charlene Vandermark and Tish Scott.

Women win bronze at inaugural 55+ soccer tourney

Women's soccer was present for the first time at the 55+BC Games in Vernon in September.

Women’s soccer was present for the first time at the 55+BC Games in Vernon in September.

Zone 2 North Island sent a team heavily represented by the Comox Valley and the ladies brought home a bronze medal. Most of these women were pioneers for girl’s and women’s soccer in the 70s and 80s across B.C. in a sport supported predominantly for boys and men. Others started playing in their 30s and 40s. And now with the debut for women’s soccer at the 55+ Games, history repeats itself with the inaugural year for senior women.

Many ladies on the Zone 2 team ‘Island Girls’ have been NCCP coaches, MIWSL players, FIFA officials, and of course soccer moms and members of the Comox Valley United Soccer Club.

“This is just the beginning for women’s soccer at the Games; we’re hoping for more ladies to come out and play next year in Cranbrook,” says Jill Nelson, team captain and Zone 2 women’s soccer rep. “The ladies would like to thank Paul Kingan Zone 2 director, and all Games directors and rules committees for the support, hard work and welcoming women’s soccer.”

The next road trip for these ladies is Nov. 9 in Vancouver to cheer on the Canadian women’s soccer team that takes on the U.S.

Comox Valley Record