Women’s hockey hosts successful tournament

A four-team women's hockey tournament proved to be a great learning experience for the new players,

The Clearwater squad didn’t win any games during a four-team women’s hockey tournament at the Sportsplex the weekend before last, but it was a great learning experience for the new players, according to Deanna Pendergast, one of the organizers.

One team from Kamloops plus two teams from Williams Lake took part in the event.

At least three of the Clearwater players had never competed in a hockey game before, including goalie Lou Benton.

The tournament was also special because Tami Pigeon was able to play with her daughter, Alli Borrow, who was home from the Okanagan for the weekend.

As reported in another article in last week’s issue, Borrow recently competed with TeamBC in the national female U18 hockey championships in Regina.

Last weekend’s tourney was the women’s first opportunity to play as a team this year, said Pendergast.

“We have been getting together every Sunday during the scheduled drop-in time,” she reported. “There are usually about 10 to 12 of us so we work on skill development and play  4-4. It has been rare that we are able to simulate an actual game.”

The women’s hockey program will continue to play on Sundays and will hopefully go to at least one other tournament in the new year.


“We encourage more interested women to join us,” Pendergast said.



Clearwater Times