Shuswap Women’s Recreational Soccer Association participate in spring outdoor soccer. (File photo)

Shuswap Women’s Recreational Soccer Association participate in spring outdoor soccer. (File photo)

Women’s Recreational Soccer returns to 100 Mile

'The main goal is to have a lot of fun'

  • May. 25, 2019 12:00 a.m.

Women in 100 Mile House won’t have to look far for an all female soccer team, as resident Nicole Weir will soon bring a women’s recreational soccer club back to the community.

“If you are wanting to play soccer or learn to play soccer or just miss being with a bunch of super fun ladies and laughing a lot, then this is the group for you,” said Weir. “We will work on growing our skills and stamina, but the main goal is to have a lot of fun. No experience required. Just a good attitude and a desire to play.”

Weir is the owner of the Village Hair Studio, but she’s also the coach of Peter Skene Ogden Secondary School’s girl’s soccer team.

Weir plans to start running practices for 100 Mile Ladies Soccer on Wednesdays at the 100 Mile House and District Soccer Association (OMHSA) fields in town. The first practice is scheduled for May 29 at 7 p.m. but Weir expects the season will run through October and hopes there will be plenty of interest from the community.

“We’ve had this going in the past, but it’s been a couple of years since someone stepped up to run it,” she said.

Weir started hearing from other women who missed playing soccer recreationally or competitively. Some were aware of the co-ed drop-in soccer that takes place in 100 Mile House on Thursday evenings but specifically wanted to play with a group of ladies.

Hearing the demand, Weir decided to step forward to bring women’s recreational soccer back to 100 Mile.

Related: Great casual fun at Drop-in Soccer

She has coached the sport for her own children for over ten years.

“Playing sports is one of the easiest ways to get to know people quickly and to build new relationships,” said Weir.

Her goals for the soccer start-up are connecting with each other, building skills, and having fun.

“I just want to get more ladies playing,” she said. “Growing up I always played. I love it.”

Weir is the sole coordinator for the start-up so far, but hopes to garner sponsorships in the future so that the group of players can obtain jerseys, equipment, and perhaps participate in tournaments, too. It depends how many women come out to play, but Weir hopes to participate in a recreational tournament or two throughout the season.

She asks that participants wear shin guards and preferably wear cleats to practice, though they’re not mandatory. She’s also planned a “sport’s swap” for the group’s second practice, which means players can swap used equipment amongst themselves once the group has determined what gear participants do and don’t have.

The cost to participate in Women’s recreational soccer starting May 29 will be $5 per person for drop-in practice, or $40 for the entire season. Weir explained that the costs are necessary to obtain use of the fields and help OMHSC with field maintenance.

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