Wonderful adventures to be found in Larch Hills

How wonderful the conditions have been in the Larch Hills with the recent multi-day dump of snow

View of Shuswap Lake from the summit on the Four Corners tour, one of many beautiful skis available at Larch Hills ski area.

View of Shuswap Lake from the summit on the Four Corners tour, one of many beautiful skis available at Larch Hills ski area.

Snow, glorious snow!! How wonderful the conditions have been in the Larch Hills with the recent multi-day dump of snow. Backcountry has been spectacular, and track skiing has been superb with the tracksetter guys making sure there is a plethora of trails to ski – both classic and skating. And the snowshoers are having a marvellous time, too.

Not only the Larch Hills but the foreshore has benefitted from the great snow. People have been able to ski from Raven subdivision to the wharf, then on around the lake to Pierre’s Point. Someone was speculating recently that it may be possible to carry on around the bay to Sunnybrae, as was possible a couple years ago. Careful to check the conditions first.

Just before the major snow of late I arrived with skis at the Raven end of the foreshore and stopped to watch my grandson and his buddies play hockey on the lake ice. Up came a couple out for a walk. Then a fellow cycled by on a fat tire bike. Only thing missing was the CPR train to make it the ultimate Canadian winter scene – but wouldn’t you know it the train appeared to make it magical! Pretty cool.

Last Friday a gang of 10 headed out from the chalet to ski to the Far East, a trackset trail that takes one beyond North Whoopee in the direction of Sicamous. Great view of the Monashees on North Whoopee – Eagle Pass Mountain, Queest Mountain. Quite the climb to get to the far end of Far East. It was when we got there that the huge snowfall started. Lovely trip back in powder snow, especially down Panorama and Baby Moonwalk. We are so blessed that there are such wonderful adventures to be had in the Larch Hills!

Larch Hills Nordics race team skier Natalie Wilkie recently competed in the Canadian Eastern Championships at the Nakkertok Club in Gatineau, Quebec, in the Para Nordic races. In the three days of competition, Natalie raced extremely well and garnered first in all her races – sprint and distance.

All weekend we were keeping an eye on the Eastern competition while also keeping up with the results from the BC Cup at Prince George. With poor snow conditions, the Otway Club in PG was unable to set classic track so all the races this weekend were skating. The Larch Hills Nordics Junior Race Team brought home lots of hardware, proving themselves again to be one of the top race teams in the province. So, east and west, it was a very successful weekend of racing for the Larch Hills team.

Think snow!


Salmon Arm Observer