Work ethic shines through for Peewee Tier 3 Vees

The Penticton Vees peewee Tier 3 Vees go 1-3-0 in tournament but impress coach with work ethic.

PENTICTON peewee Tier 3 Vees captain Michael Pugachev flies past Seattle Sno-King Wesley Bond in tournament over the weekend. Penticton lost the game 3-2 and won one of four games.

PENTICTON peewee Tier 3 Vees captain Michael Pugachev flies past Seattle Sno-King Wesley Bond in tournament over the weekend. Penticton lost the game 3-2 and won one of four games.

The Penticton peewee Tier 3 Vees went 1-3-0 in their host tournament over the weekend.

The Vees wrapped up the Penticton Minor Hockey Association tournament, won by South Okanagan, with a 14-4 loss to the North Shore Winter Club.

“We’re a young team,” said Vees coach Mike Rampone. “We are still learning lots. North Shore is mostly second-year players. We knew they were strong.”

Rampone credited his players for working hard, while still having fun playing. Though the Vees lost by a wide margin, they went into the second half of the game trailing 12-1. Rampone said that his team never gave up.

“They pushed back,” he said.

Overall, Rampone said his team played really good during the weekend. They opened with a 6-4 loss to Revelstoke. On Saturday, playing their best hockey of the season, they lost 3-2 to Seattle. They trailed that game 3-0 with seven minutes remaining, then defeated Spokane 5-2. The Vees came together as a team as they spent the weekend hanging out together and their passing and team work was the best it had been all season.

“I’m proud of the boys,” said Rampone.



Penticton Western News