World Cup Downhill Ski Racer joins Hemlock Ski Team as New Coach

Rob Lahti has been hired as the new Program Director / Head Coach

Jan Voss, president of the Hemlock Ski Club (at left), welcomes Rob Lahti as the new prgoram director / head coach.

Jan Voss, president of the Hemlock Ski Club (at left), welcomes Rob Lahti as the new prgoram director / head coach.

Hemlock Ski Cub is pleased to announce that Rob Lahti has been hired as our new Program Director / Head Coach.  Rob is both a former ski racer and long-time ski racing coach in BC.  As a ski racer, he raced 8 years at the FIS level and competed for Canada on the World Cup circuit in Europe.  His speciality was the downhill discipline where he was once clocked in a race going 145 km/hr for Canada!

As a ski racing coach, he has coached hundreds of junior racers over his career and to date has placed three of them on the BC Ski team.  He was also a regular coach for the BC Ski team and a guest coach for ski camps for elite racers at both Whistler and at Mt. Hood.  Rob is very well known and respected in the ski racing community and this will create new opportunities for Hemlock racers in the future.  Rob brings to his job an incredible amount of dedication and enthusiasm, which is infectious to junior racers, fellow coaches and parents.

Rob has trained and coached teams racing at Hemlock before and he loves both the terrain and “vibe” of Hemlock.  Rob is absolutely thrilled to be joining the Hemlock Ski Club and coming to our mountain.

If you would like to meet Rob and ask him what it was like to ski at 145 km/hr (!) or to find out more about the Hemlock Ski Club, please come to our Open House on Saturday, September 12th from 3-4 pm at the club cabin, which is just behind the day lodge at Hemlock near the base of the Yellow chair.

Hemlock Resort is located 45 minutes east of Mission and overlooks Harrison Lake.  The Hemlock Ski Club provides ski racing opportunities for kids from 4 and up.  For more information about the Hemlock Ski Club and its ski racing program, please visit the ski club website at

Agassiz Observer