The only retiring Swicked Cycles owner James Durand expects he'll do is retiring customers' bikes. Photo submitted

You can have excuses, or success, but not both

By James Durand

  • Nov. 25, 2020 12:00 a.m.

By James Durand

When I raced moto-x I was taught this lesson early. You can train, prepare, and work hard to get results. If you win it’s to your credit. If you lose, it’s your fault. No excuses.

Even when playing team sports, where you need to rely on other players for your own results, it still takes the right attitude to find success and short cuts never pan out.

Then I entered adulthood and mountain bike racing. Dad was no longer there to help with planning, push the training, or organize my schedule.

But, his lessons were still there. No one ever heard me utter the words, “I would have won if …”

Lately, I have heard the same excuse on so many levels from those that I rely on, that I’m starting to wonder if it is just that, an excuse.

Covid has caused late deliveries. Covid has caused slow production. Covid has caused a shortage of supplies. it’s like a new dictionary of common daily phrases.

And on the other side of the coin, there are certain things we can’t offer anymore due to … you guessed it, late deliveries, slow production, and shortage of supplies. It’s driving me nuts, but never will it be our excuse.

No one could have prepared for this, but much like a race that doesn’t go as planned, we adapt, pick another line and make the best of it.

I spend countless hours each week scouring my suppliers’ catalogues, nagging my reps, and hunting for much-needed parts, bikes, and accessories.

It paid off during the spring and summer, and it looks like the supply chains are about to improve, so maybe we’ll have it easier in the near future.

I can only hope because with all this extra effort avoiding excuses, I find myself telling friends recently, “Sorry I’m so slow, I haven’t been riding because of work.”

Sounds a lot like an excuse doesn’t it?

I’m James Durand and I’m Goin’ Ridin’…

Campbell River Mirror