Young skaters cleaning up

With members competing in 11 events, the skaters from Sandy Shores put on a show, earning a few first place finishes in the process.

The Sandy Shores Skating Club was recently in Victoria for the Vancouver Island Regional Championships.

With members competing in 11 events, the skaters from Sandy Shores put on a show, earning a few first place finishes in the process. Kurt Beaton, competing in the Star 3 Boys event, earned bronze. In the Star 3 Girls, Natasha Keith also earned bronze.

Sydney Easthom and Youna Uehara had strong showings in the Star 4 Girls (U-10) event, with Easthom finishing second and Uehara fourth. Easthom also finished first in the Elements 1 event. Alice Terada and Tabitha DeVaughn finished fourth and fifth respectively in the Pre-juvenile (U-13) event. Kate Cameron finished second in the Juvenile (U-12) event. Mia Rosa finished fourth in the Juvenile (U-14) event.

In the Pre-Novice Women (short program) event, Olivia Bau finished second and Sheye Speers finished fifth. In the Free Program, Bau earned first, with Speers right behind her in second. Indianna Berg earned first in both the Novice Women’s Short and Free Program events.

Both Kate Cameron and Olivia Bau will represent the club at the 2016 B.C. Winter Games, with Cameron in the Juvenile Women’s division and Bau in the Pre-novice Women’s division.

Tyler Bidnyk, director of skating and head coach of the Sandy Shores Skating Club, will be the team coach for Zone 6 (Vancouver Island/Central Coast) and Launie Elves, past president of the Sandy Shores Skating Club, will be attending as a chaperon as well.

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