Bella Bella

Heiltsuk Nation Chief Marilyn Slett at a news conference on Monday, Oct. 24, 2022. (Jane Skrypnek/Black Press Media)

Heiltsuk Nation demands removal of Bella Bella RCMP officer

A protest is planned for noon Friday, May 24 in front of the RCMP office in Bella Bella


Inuit Circumpolar Council Canada president Lisa Koperqualuk, Heiltsuk Hereditary Chief Harvey Humchitt, Chief Marilyn, Coun. Maria Martin and traditional leader Rory Housty appear as a delegation before the International Maritime Organization in London, England Monday, March 18. (Heiltsuk Nation photo)

B.C. First Nation shares concerns over oil spills with UN

‘Right now the only losses compensated are economic’: Heiltsuk Chief Marilyn Slett


Heiltsuk Nation’s herring spawn-on-kelp fishery explained in a short video produced by the nation. (Video screen capture)

B.C. First Nation suing Canadian government over fishery closure

Heiltsuk Nation says the 2022 closure by Fisheries and Oceans Canada undermined its rights


George Housty II (L), with his mother, Faye Housty, harvested kelp off the coast of Bella Bella, B.C. Herring also deposit their eggs on hemlock branches, pictured in this photo. (Photo by William Housty)
George Housty II (L), with his mother, Faye Housty, harvested kelp off the coast of Bella Bella, B.C. Herring also deposit their eggs on hemlock branches, pictured in this photo. (Photo by William Housty)
Mary Brown, program coordinator for the Heiltsuk Gvi’las Restorative Justice Department, is developing a new program for at-risk young women in Bella Bella using $100,000 from a human rights complaint settlement with the Vancouver Police Board. (Jane Skrypnek/Black Press Media)

Police settlement with Heiltsuk grandfather to fund new program for at-risk young women

Vancouver Police Board will contribute $100,000 to the Nation’s restorative justice department

Mary Brown, program coordinator for the Heiltsuk Gvi’las Restorative Justice Department, is developing a new program for at-risk young women in Bella Bella using $100,000 from a human rights complaint settlement with the Vancouver Police Board. (Jane Skrypnek/Black Press Media)
The Heiltsuk Nation have witnessed that salmon are dying by the 1,000s in the Neekas River on the mainland 20 kilometres north of Bella Bella. (Sarah Mund photo)

‘Flabbergasting’ lack of rain has returning salmon dying in droves on B.C. central coast

Heiltsuk conservation manager says tens of thousands of salmon have died

The Heiltsuk Nation have witnessed that salmon are dying by the 1,000s in the Neekas River on the mainland 20 kilometres north of Bella Bella. (Sarah Mund photo)
Hereditary Chiefs Aaron Hans, Jeffery Snow and Snuxyaltwa (as known as Deric Snow) visit the Royal BC Museum in Victoria which houses family poles. (Mercy Snow photo)

Nuxalk totem pole stuck in limbo, ‘no clear path’ to remove it from Royal BC Museum

Bella Coola’s Nuxalk hereditary chief files civil case against museum for the return of the pole

Hereditary Chiefs Aaron Hans, Jeffery Snow and Snuxyaltwa (as known as Deric Snow) visit the Royal BC Museum in Victoria which houses family poles. (Mercy Snow photo)