Catholic sex abuse

Canadian Catholic leaders say they are almost halfway to their fundraising goals for a reconciliation fund formed after the church failed to meet previous financial obligation.An Every Child Matters Flag flies during a powwow at James Smith Cree Nation, Sask., on Friday, September 1, 2023. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Heywood Yu

Catholic leaders on track to meet $25-million reconciliation payout: bishops

Indigenous Reconciliation Fund has raised $11.5 million so far, nearly 40 per cent of its goal


The office of the Archdiocese of Montreal is seen Monday, Feb. 15, 2021, in Montreal. A Montreal law firm says it has reached a $14.7-million settlement in a class-action lawsuit filed against the Montreal diocese in 2019. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Ryan Remiorz

$14.7-million settlement in sex abuse class action against Montreal archdiocese

Settlement still needs approval by Quebec Superior Court in the coming weeks


The Jesuits of Canada have released a list of priests they say were credibly accused of sexually abusing minors over the past 70 years. The Jesuits logo is seen in this undated handout. THE CANADIAN PRESS/HO

Jesuits of Canada releases list of 27 members ‘credibly’ accused of child sex abuse

Names the result of probe examining records dating back to the ’50s


A civil lawsuit filed in B.C. Provincial Court in Victoria pertaining to historical sexual abuse at a Nanaimo church has been settled, according to the complainant and her lawyer. (Black Press Media files)

Catholic church settles lawsuit around historical sex abuse of 10-year-old B.C. girl

Incidents allegedly happened at St. Peter’s Roman Catholic Church at Nanaimo in 1976

A civil lawsuit filed in B.C. Provincial Court in Victoria pertaining to historical sexual abuse at a Nanaimo church has been settled, according to the complainant and her lawyer. (Black Press Media files)
NDP MP Mumilaaq Qaqqaq holds a photo of Johannes Rivoire, a priest who is wanted in Canada but resides in France, during a news conference on Parliament Hill in Ottawa, on Thursday, July 8, 2021.The federal government says France has denied an extradition request for the priest.THE CANADIAN PRESS/Justin Tang

France denies extradition for priest facing sexual assault charge in Nunavut

Under French law, too much time had passed between the events and the charges being laid

NDP MP Mumilaaq Qaqqaq holds a photo of Johannes Rivoire, a priest who is wanted in Canada but resides in France, during a news conference on Parliament Hill in Ottawa, on Thursday, July 8, 2021.The federal government says France has denied an extradition request for the priest.THE CANADIAN PRESS/Justin Tang
Minister of Crown-Indigenous Relations Marc Miller speaks during an announcement at a news conference in Ottawa, on Wednesday, June 8, 2022. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Justin Tang

Deal freeing Catholic entities from $25M campaign for residential schools released

Feds chose not to appeal the 2015 court decision while also covering the groups’ legal fees

Minister of Crown-Indigenous Relations Marc Miller speaks during an announcement at a news conference in Ottawa, on Wednesday, June 8, 2022. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Justin Tang
Duncan Goguillot is seen holding a photo of Chuck Strahl on Jan. 31, 2000 in front of a Reform party flag. (Jenna Hauck/ Chilliwack Progress file)

Former Chilliwack Catholic priest accused of raping a boy in the 1970s

Vancouver Archdiocese and Duncan Goguillot, who worked for MP Chuck Strahl for 15 years, faces lawsuit

Duncan Goguillot is seen holding a photo of Chuck Strahl on Jan. 31, 2000 in front of a Reform party flag. (Jenna Hauck/ Chilliwack Progress file)
Raymond Frogner, the head archivist for the Winnipeg-based National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation, was recently in the Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate archives in Rome searching for documents related to the religious order’s time running residential schools in Canada. Frogner is shown in this undated handout photo. THE CANADIAN PRESS/HO-Raymond Frogner

‘Very profound’: Hundreds of residential school photos found in Rome archives

Photos could help uncover what happened to some children who never returned home

Raymond Frogner, the head archivist for the Winnipeg-based National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation, was recently in the Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate archives in Rome searching for documents related to the religious order’s time running residential schools in Canada. Frogner is shown in this undated handout photo. THE CANADIAN PRESS/HO-Raymond Frogner
Pope Francis is welcomed by a group of Indigenous leaders Sunday, July 24, 2022, in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. (AP Photo/Eric Gay)

VIDEO: Pope Francis arrives in Alberta for ‘pilgrimage of penance’

Pope’s first public words to be spoken in Canada will be in Maskwacis

Pope Francis is welcomed by a group of Indigenous leaders Sunday, July 24, 2022, in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. (AP Photo/Eric Gay)
Pope Francis arrives for a meeting with members of the Neocatechumenal Way community, in the Pope Paul VI hall at the Vatican, Monday, June 27, 2022. THE CANADIAN PRESS/AP, Alessandra Tarantino
Pope Francis arrives for a meeting with members of the Neocatechumenal Way community, in the Pope Paul VI hall at the Vatican, Monday, June 27, 2022. THE CANADIAN PRESS/AP, Alessandra Tarantino
Numerous convicted or credibly accused pedophiles are former students of the Seminary of Christ the King, according to the plaintiffs. Google Street View image.

3rd former seminary student alleges sexual abuse at B.C. priest school in 1970s

Andrew Ehman claims senior monk ‘discreetly’ observed abuse occur in boys’ shower, did not intervene

Numerous convicted or credibly accused pedophiles are former students of the Seminary of Christ the King, according to the plaintiffs. Google Street View image.
Mission’s Seminary of Christ the King – the last remaining youth seminary in Canada – is currently the subject to two civil suits from former students claiming they were sexually abused as teenagers. Google Maps image.

B.C. sex-abuse lawsuit seeks Catholic records; Pope’s ambassador seeks diplomatic immunity

Foreign Affairs Canada asserts the office of Apostolic Nunciature has immunity from discovery

Mission’s Seminary of Christ the King – the last remaining youth seminary in Canada – is currently the subject to two civil suits from former students claiming they were sexually abused as teenagers. Google Maps image.
NDP MP Mumilaaq Qaqqaq holds a photo of Fr. Johannes Rivoire, who is wanted in Canada for abusing children in Nunavut but now resides in France, during a news conference calling on Minister of Justice David Lametti to investigate crimes against Indigenous people in Canada at residential schools, on Parliament Hill in Ottawa, on Thursday, July 8, 2021. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Justin Tang

Mounties lay new charge against Oblate priest, Inuit delegates ask Pope to intervene

Mounties have laid a new charge against a Roman Catholic priest who…

NDP MP Mumilaaq Qaqqaq holds a photo of Fr. Johannes Rivoire, who is wanted in Canada for abusing children in Nunavut but now resides in France, during a news conference calling on Minister of Justice David Lametti to investigate crimes against Indigenous people in Canada at residential schools, on Parliament Hill in Ottawa, on Thursday, July 8, 2021. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Justin Tang
The plaintiff states at least three graduates of the Seminary of Christ the King’s high school have now been criminally convicted of child molestation. Google Maps image.

Former Mission seminary student suing dead monk’s estate, Westminster Abbey for alleged rape

Man claims Harold Vincent Sander raped him when he was 13 in the 1970s, and he’s not the only one

The plaintiff states at least three graduates of the Seminary of Christ the King’s high school have now been criminally convicted of child molestation. Google Maps image.
A woman has sued the Catholic Church alleging she was sexually assaulted by a priest at an elementary school run by the St. James Catholic Church in Vernon in 1970. The statement of claim was filed in B.C. Supreme Court Feb. 22, 2022. (Brendan Shykora - Morning Star)

Lawsuit against Catholic church alleges woman was sexually assaulted at Vernon school

The woman claims she was abused by a priest while attending a church-run school in 1970

A woman has sued the Catholic Church alleging she was sexually assaulted by a priest at an elementary school run by the St. James Catholic Church in Vernon in 1970. The statement of claim was filed in B.C. Supreme Court Feb. 22, 2022. (Brendan Shykora - Morning Star)