Child Porn Case

Ridge Meadows RCMP have been granted an detention order until August for seized items in a child luring, child pornography case. (The News files)

RCMP in Lower Mainland investigating child luring, pornography case

Case involves 12- to 13-year-old girls after complaints made in 2022


Dale Klippenstein photo

Abbotsford man charged with 11 sexual offences involving children

Investigation involving David Massie Douglas, 62, began in March 2023


Penticton’s Law Courts. (Western News File)

Penticton man guilty of possessing more than 300 child sexual abuse images

Over 300 images and one video were recovered by RCMP


Former Abbotsford vice-principal Mike Haire has been given a lifetime teaching ban after previously being sentenced for two child porn offences. (Abbotsford Police Department)

Lifetime teaching ban issued to former Abbotsford vice-principal sentenced for child porn

Mike Haire received 20-month jail sentence in June for hundreds of images and videos

Former Abbotsford vice-principal Mike Haire has been given a lifetime teaching ban after previously being sentenced for two child porn offences. (Abbotsford Police Department)
Mike Haire, a former vice-principal at W. A. Fraser middle school in Abbotsford, is awaiting sentencing on two child-pornography charges, of which he was convicted in February 2022.

Crown says former Abbotsford vice-principal should get up to 3 years for child porn

Judge reserves sentencing decision for Mike Haire, convicted of 2 offences

Mike Haire, a former vice-principal at W. A. Fraser middle school in Abbotsford, is awaiting sentencing on two child-pornography charges, of which he was convicted in February 2022.