Chilliwack General Hospital

Kim Wood, member of the peer support pilot project at Chilliwack General Hospital. (Fraser Health)

Peer support for substance users at Chilliwack hospital a first in B.C.

‘Once you tell someone you’ve been there, it helps bring down the walls,’ says peer support worker


Wilfred Kilgren of Rosedale. (RCMP)

RCMP looking for mental health patient missing from Chilliwack General Hospital

Police say 74-year-old Wilfred James Kilgren could be heading to Saskatchewan in an SUV


Chayne den Ouden holds newborn daughter Sahara while snuggling three-year-old son River at their Chilliwack home on Friday, Jan. 21, 2022. (Jenna Hauck/ Chilliwack Progress)

Rookie B.C. RCMP officer helps bring baby into world in hospital parking lot

The second time one of Chayne den Ouden’s newborn babies makes headlines


(The Canadian Press/Tijana Martin)

Patients with COVID in Fraser Health may now share hospital rooms with uninfected

Public health officials say hospital space is at a premium

(The Canadian Press/Tijana Martin)