Cowichan Valley Citizen

A&E column: Terry Fox Run Sept. 19; book about brothers; musicians in Honeymoon Bay

A look at what's coming up in arts and culture in the Cowichan Valley

Duncan’s Davison earns first win on golf’s Mackenzie Tour

Nine birdies in second round help Davison to one-stroke overall win

Editorial: Mask mandate, vaccine card are the right moves

Had our officials not done something they would have been negligent

  • Sep 2, 2021

Kerry Park Islanders face Glacier Kings in home-and-home this weekend

VIJHL rivals face off in Mill Bay Saturday and Courtenay Sunday

Letter: O’Toole not serious about wanting to form government

It is easier for Erin O'Toole to remain as opposition leader

  • Sep 2, 2021

Letter: Vote climate in federal election

Support climate champions

  • Sep 2, 2021

New site sought for 46 cabins for homeless in Cowichan

Cowichan Housing Association looks to lease 1.5-acre property

North Cowichan to formalize policies around illegal suites

Unknown how many are in municipality

Cowichan Paralympic rowers reach B final in Tokyo

Fredrickson 8th overall with PR3 mixed coxed 4, Brockway 12th overall with PR2 mixed double

Cowichan school district encouraging masks for all students this fall

Masks mandated for Grades 4-12, encouraged for K-3

Hundreds gather at Cowichan District Hospital to protest COVID-19 vaccine cards, measures

Protesters gathered in green space between parking lot and hospital, also lined nearby Gibbins Road

Letter: Never surrender rights and freedoms

It's actually coercion and discrimination

  • Sep 1, 2021

Letter: Choice not to be vaccinated has consequences

The anti-vaccination crowd doesn't like the consequences which follow from their choices

  • Aug 31, 2021

Letter: Christians in fear in Afghanistan

They struggle to get a rare sponsorship in countries like Canada

  • Aug 31, 2021

Letter: Electric vehicles no magic bullet

I am getting frustrated with politician et al who see the electrification of vehicles as the panacea

  • Aug 31, 2021

Letter: Help after the fire much appreciated

There is a lot of uncertainty at this stage

  • Aug 31, 2021

Letter: Many questions about proposal to automate garbage collection

While filling out the survey, I found the questions vague and detailed justification non-existent

  • Aug 31, 2021

Letter: Protect all of Centennial Park

I'm glad that no guarantee other than to consider a DHS application, has been given

  • Aug 31, 2021