Elizabeth May

A petition to the federal government aims to ban cephalopod farms in Canada. (Credit: Pixabay)

There are no octopus farms in Canada. BC SPCA, experts call on feds to keep it that way

Experts say practice not only morally questionable, but environmentally destructive too


Elizabeth May speaks as co-leadership candidate Jonathan Pedneault looks on after May was elected the new leader of the Green Party in Ottawa on Saturday, November 19, 2022. THE CANADIAN PRESS/ Patrick Doyle

Elizabeth May looks to grow the Green Party as she returns to leadership, with help

May is now ‘job-sharing’ the role with Jonathan Pedneault after pitching a co-leadership plan


Green Party leadership candidate Elizabeth May speaks during a press conference on Parliament Hill in Ottawa on Thursday, Sept. 29, 2022. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Sean Kilpatrick

Elizabeth May elected Green leader again, to share burden with Jonathan Pedneault

Two plan to present party as must trustworthy on environmental issues


Local MP Elizabeth May is once running for the leadership of the federal Greens on a platform proposing to share leadership with Jonathan Pedneault. (Courtesy of Green Party of Canada)

Elizabeth May takes team approach in comeback Green Party leadership bid

Saanich Gulf Islands MP plans to lead the Greens again with Jonathan Pedneault as co-leader

Local MP Elizabeth May is once running for the leadership of the federal Greens on a platform proposing to share leadership with Jonathan Pedneault. (Courtesy of Green Party of Canada)
Saanich–Gulf Islands MP Elizabeth May is repeating calls for the federal government to seize a North Saanich property linked to a Russian oligarch. The estate, located at the end of Towner Road, previously hosted Prince Harry and Meghan Markle. (THE CANADIAN PRESS/Adrian Wyld)

Elizabeth May calls for seizure of B.C. property used by Harry and Meghan

Former Green leader says Russian oligarch may still be benefitting from Vancouver Island estate

Saanich–Gulf Islands MP Elizabeth May is repeating calls for the federal government to seize a North Saanich property linked to a Russian oligarch. The estate, located at the end of Towner Road, previously hosted Prince Harry and Meghan Markle. (THE CANADIAN PRESS/Adrian Wyld)