Invermere Valley Echo

Canal Flats council keeps busy with new bylaws

The Village of Canal flats met on Monday, April 10th to discuss local issues including bylaw updates.

MLA candidates weigh in on party donations

The Columbia River-Revelstoke region MLA candidates discuss party donations

…and on B.C.’s approach to the softwood lumber agreement

MLA candidates for the Columbia River- Revelstoke region weigh in on the softwood lumber agreement

Key City Theatre celebrates 25 years of performances

Key City Theatre in Cranbrook prepares for their gala Spectacular Spectacular on April 22nd

Cougar attacks just outside of Toby Benches home

A resident in the Toby Benches area found what is believed to be the fresh kill of a cougar just 20 feet from her front door.

Village of Radium Hot Springs council briefs

Village of Radium council met to discuss and approve a variety of items brought forward on March 22nd.

Letter exchange illuminates details on two-tier hydro pricing

Two-tier hydro pricing system explained by Minister of Energy and Mines Bill Bennett

CBT bolsters CBAL’s regional literacy services

The Columbia Basin Trust is giving another big funding boost to the non-profit Columbia Basin Alliance for Literacy (CBAL).

Village of Radium Hot Springs council briefs

Village of Radium council met to discuss and approve a variety of items brought forward on March 22nd.

Variance request in Radium creates controversy

A request to allow a variance in the Village of Radium's zoning Bylaw 338 was met by objection from locals

Invermere council introduces question period before and after meeting

“We feel it is important in terms of allowing questions to be asked about the agenda coming up,” Chris Prosser.

Resident wants no-wake zone in Taynton Bay

"Is there any way to put in a no-wake zone to ensure boats aren’t going too fast?" Sean Ridsdale

Canal Flats receives $100,000 from Rural Dividend Program

The Village of Canal Flats receive rural dividend funding for economic development capacity and implementation.

CastleRock seeks help with wildfire prevention

Representatives from the CastleRock Community Association and its FireSmart Committee approached Invermere council

Off the Record: They’re called wildlife for a reason

What really happens when humans feed the wildlife in the community

Canal Flats visitors map in the works

Canal Flats council approves to move forward with visitor map pads.

Efforts get underway to set up local youth network

Several individuals in the Columbia Valley are making efforts toward establishing a local youth network here

Contentious regional composting facility turned down

A private composting facility to be built near Mayook, east of Cranbrook. Proponent Earthrite Industries Ltd. will not proceed.

RDEK adopts new financial plan

Regional directors adopt 2017 to 2021 financial plan at most recent meeting

Columbia Valley Local Conservation Fund wins award

The fund received one the 2017 peer-nominated Species and Ecosystems at Risk (SEAR) Local Government Working Group awards