
Vitamin-rich microgreens are proving a popular crop for new generations of farmers in the North Okanagan-Shuswap. (Lachlan Labere-Salmon Arm Observer)

Popular micro-green superfood takes root, sprouts new farms in B.C. Interior

Nutrient-rich greens can be grown indoors year-round at high speeds and yields


Aspartame was classified as a possible carcinogen to humans, according to the assessments released July 14. (PepsiCo via AP) MANDATORY CREDIT

Aspartame findings shouldn’t change aspartame consumption: B.C. experts

Artificial sweetener classified as possible carcinogen, SFU says consumption levels must be extreme


Widespread inflation has led to some eye-popping meat prices, but dietitians say there are budget-friendly ways to get enough protein. Packages of chicken breasts by Maple Leaf Foods are shown on a shelf at a grocery store in Oakville, Ont., Friday, Jan.6, 2023. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Richard Buchan

Tips for finding cheaper protein in the meat aisle and beyond

Sharply rising prices for common sources of protein making it harder to include in your diet


(Black Press Media Creative)

Biden suggests nutrition labels on front of food products to improve health

On Sept. 27, the White House announced that the FDA will look…

(Black Press Media Creative)
A person eats in London on Oct. 17, 2007. The World Health Organization says the number of heavy people in Europe has hit “epidemic proportions,” with nearly 60% of adults and one third of children weighing in as either overweight or obese. In a report issued on Tuesday, the U.N. health agency’s European office said the prevalence of obesity among adults is higher across the continent than any other world region, except for the Americas. (AP Photo/Kirsty Wigglesworth, File)

UN: Obesity levels in Europe at ‘epidemic proportions’

Highest rates in Turkey, Malta, Israel and Britain

A person eats in London on Oct. 17, 2007. The World Health Organization says the number of heavy people in Europe has hit “epidemic proportions,” with nearly 60% of adults and one third of children weighing in as either overweight or obese. In a report issued on Tuesday, the U.N. health agency’s European office said the prevalence of obesity among adults is higher across the continent than any other world region, except for the Americas. (AP Photo/Kirsty Wigglesworth, File)
Canada’s Food Guide contains detailed nutrition information for Canadians. (Photo by ADVOCATE news services)

QUIZ: How much do you know about good nutrition?

March is Nutrition Month in Canada

Canada’s Food Guide contains detailed nutrition information for Canadians. (Photo by ADVOCATE news services)
Nanaimo top the lists for most polite city and best tippers in Canada in Uber Eats’ third annual ‘Cravings Report.’ (Uber Eats photo)

Canada’s best tippers and most polite takeout customers found in one B.C. town

Uber Eats reports on driver experiences, picky eaters, popular dishes and more

Nanaimo top the lists for most polite city and best tippers in Canada in Uber Eats’ third annual ‘Cravings Report.’ (Uber Eats photo)