
Carl Wilkens (left)  with Rwanda residents Maria and Filbert, who found themselves on the opposite sides of the genocide in 1994 in that African country. Despite Filbert being a member of a militia gang that killed Maria's husband and sons in 1994, today their relationship has evolved to where they have become close family friends. (Contributed)

Author discusses atrocities of Rwanda genocide with Kelowna students

Ed Wilkens talks to KSS students about his journey of post-trauma recovery


A professor who studies how countries relate with authoritarian states says Canada has missed the mark in making a warm embrace of Rwandan President Paul Kagame. Kagame walks along Downing Street to a meeting with Britain’s Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, in London, Thursday, May 4, 2023. THE CANADIAN PRESS/AP-Vadim Ghirda AG

Ministers’ embrace of Rwanda’s Kagame undermines democratic values: governance prof

3 MPs were pictured smiling in photos as they shook Rwandan President Paul Kagame’s hand


A man walks through floodwaters in western Rwanda on Tuesday, May 2, 2023. A public broadcaster in Rwanda says at more than 100 people have been killed in flooding amid torrential rain in the western and northern provinces of the country. (RwandaTV via AP)

Floods amid heavy rainfall kill more than 100 in Rwanda

Rainstorms caused flooding and mudslides that swept away several houses, left roads inaccessible