Similkameen Spotlight

Teen missing in Manning Park found after 24 hours

Young man spends night on mountain and survives with just a few scrapes

Former Princeton supervisor takes top job with Keremeos RCMP

Cpl. Chad Parsons committed to community policing

Column: Everything has a day, even your period

Menstruation is one of the top two reasons that women miss work in Canada.

Eat less beef to help the planet, says Spotlight columnist

Chicken is the meat most friendly to the environment

  • Jun 5, 2021

Searchers recover body of woman who crashed into river near Keremeos

BC Coroners Service has launched an investigation into Amy Sabean's death.

Princeton finance director explains spending of COVID relief dollars

The bulk of grant funds is headed to reserves

Princeton residents share their brushes with the stars

From rock stars to rocket men, we've seen it all

Princeton mine employee shot and killed in Chilliwack

Police state incident is not gang-related

  • Jun 1, 2021

Princeton honours residential school children discovered in mass grave

Mayor Spencer Coyne expresses deep grief over crimes against Indigenous families

Specialist team with canines will join the search for missing Manning Park hiker

Jordan Naterer's mother makes plea for local volunteers

Princeton lacrosse players make pitch for $325,000 box

Facility could be used for pickleball, floor hockey and other sports

Princeton parents need more affordable daycare options

Report finds town needs an additional 109 group spaces created in the next 10 years

Elderly Princeton man jailed for child sex crimes

Offender pleaded guilty, but claims to have no memory of the abuse

A new downtown clock for Princeton will take time

Mayor suggests community fundraising may be an option

Princeton’s food bank to get new downtown home

Baptist church acquires former United church building

Princeton lags behind in vaccination rates

Approximately 24 per cent of residents here have received their first dose

RCMP begin checking drivers on BC highways

Four check points are set up Thursday May 6 around the province

Princeton woman key to naming victim in 40 year old murder

In July 1980, Shirley Ann Soosay was raped and stabbed to death