Trail Daily Times

Rossland teen makes noise on motocross circuit

Noah Ketel is steadily climbing the ranks with his ultimate goal to be the BC Champion in Motocross

  • Sep 2, 2021

The Bailey primes to welcome live performers and theatre-goers this fall

$1.2M functional makeover now underway in the downtown Trail venue

Trail society is fishing for Columbia River info

To help in the hunt, contact Dan Rodlie via email:

West Kootenay Zone camp wraps up in Trail

"There was a ton of talent out there, and lots of hard work" - Crusaders coach Dallas Calvin

‘The new normal is not so normal … ‘

"In the Kootenay region where I live, case counts are increasing."

  • Aug 31, 2021

Foundation helps Trail high school buy a new set of wheels

The Murphy foundation's contribution, along with two other local donors, allowed for this purchase.

  • Aug 31, 2021

Rock Creek Fall Fair put off for another year

The fair's board of directors had to consider a recent health order that sharply limited gatherings, says GM Lisa Sims

  • Aug 31, 2021

Teck transfers land to City of Trail

Consolidation of properties is meant to enhance layout for the upcoming childcare centre.

Trail police arrest smash-and-grab suspect

The man told Trail police he was a mystery shopper sent to test the store's response to theft

Trail to update old library space with $672,000 grant

The space has been vacant since the public library moved south to the Riverfront Centre in 2018

Council says ‘No Swimming’ in Rossland reservoir

What sounded like a great idea, was drowned out by climate change concerns

Interior Health confirms two COVID-19 cases in Trail seniors home

Two Rose Wood Village long-term residents are confirmed to be positive for COVID-19

Fire in Trail Gulch early Friday

Smoke was showing from the second floor window reports Captain Greg Ferraby

Letter: ‘CO2 falsely accused, once again, by another UN/IPCC report’

"IPCC relied solely on computer climate models for its 30-year litany of failed doomsday scenarios"

  • Aug 29, 2021

Liberals and Conservatives Guarantee Climate Crisis Inaction

The combustion of fossil fuels is the major source of air pollution

  • Aug 29, 2021

Made especially for you, with love …

"I grew up in a home where good eats and extravagant hospitality went hand in hand."

  • Aug 29, 2021

Kootenay Lake anglers of all ages net great prizes

Local and visiting anglers help revive kokanee stocks on Kootenay Lake

Trail Governance and Operations Committee briefs

Trail public works projects moving forward, while new shop roof delayed

International Overdose Awareness Day commemorates lives lost

Between January 2016 and December 2020 over 21,174 Canadians died due to substance use related harms

  • Aug 27, 2021

Trail Smoke Eaters sign veteran D-man

The Trail Smoke Eaters signed veteran defenceman, Evan Bushy, for the upcoming season

  • Aug 27, 2021