Wild ARC

As summer progresses, juvenile raccoons are on the move and starting to explore as they seek food and shelter, says the BC SPCA. (Photo by Michael Woods/Courtesy Wild ARC)

There goes the neighbourhood: BC SPCA warns about young raccoons moving in

Food is the primary source of human-versus-raccoon conflict as young bandits go house-hunting


A pair of orphaned ducks plunge into the wild after healing at the Wild Animal Rehabilitation Centre in Metchosin. (Wild ARC/Facebook)

Swimming free: B.C. wildlife rescue group releases orphaned ducks in video

Pair of wood ducks take the plunge after several weeks in care


A yellow-bellied marmot will be sent back to the mainland after capture in Saanich. (Courtesy Wild ARC)

Yellow-bellied marmot stowaway sent back to B.C. mainland where it belongs

Remember Roger? The yellow-bellied marmot came in 2008 and evaded all traps


A trio of baby squirrels is healing at the Wild Animal Rehabilitation Centre in Metchosin. (BC SPCA photo)

Hard-luck baby B.C. squirrels on the mend after hard falls break their legs

Windstorm, falls from trees leave 10 baby squirrels in care at West Shore rehab

A trio of baby squirrels is healing at the Wild Animal Rehabilitation Centre in Metchosin. (BC SPCA photo)
A raccoon shows off the healthy pink of healing wounds ahead of his release into the wild. (Wild ARC/Facebook)

Elderly raccoon remedied and released from B.C. rehab centre

You can buy dinner for a hungry patient at Wild ARC

A raccoon shows off the healthy pink of healing wounds ahead of his release into the wild. (Wild ARC/Facebook)