British Columbians are reconsidering their lengthy road trips due to rising gas prices (Dreamstime/TNS).

British Columbians are reconsidering their lengthy road trips due to rising gas prices (Dreamstime/TNS).

78% of British Columbians plan to vacation closer to home due to gas prices: survey

77% say that the high price of gas makes road trips ‘too expensive’

After two years of lock downs and limited travel, many people are eager to hit the road this summer, but some British Columbians are reconsidering their lengthy road trips due to sky-rocketing gas prices.

According to a BCAA survey released Thursday (June 23), 78 per cent of B.C. residents say they will vacation closer to home with 76 per cent planning to do less exploring using their car once they reach their destination.

Thanks to gas becoming more and more expensive, 77 per cent of British Columbians say that road trips are ‘too expensive’ this year; however, 69 per cent still plan to go on a road trip.

While changing a trip to include less driving may be a bummer, BCAA says a road trip can still be enjoyable this summer by implementing measures to lessen the amount of gas used.

By opening windows before hitting the air conditioning, planning less stops along the way and packing light, you can significantly decrease the amount of fuel your car is burning.

BCAA also suggests fueling up beforehand to prevent driving longer to find a gas station and getting your car tuned prior to improve fuel economy.

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