Anthony Bucci photographed a bald eagle in Blackfish Sound last fall as it swooped down on a herring ball. (Anthony Bucci Photography)

Anthony Bucci photographed a bald eagle in Blackfish Sound last fall as it swooped down on a herring ball. (Anthony Bucci Photography)

B.C. photographer’s bald eagle photo Canada’s choice for international contest

Anthony Bucci lives on northern Vancouver Island and has his own wildlife touring business

Professional photographer Anthony Bucci snapped a photo in Blackfish Sound last fall season of a bald eagle swooping down on a herring ball, capturing multiple herring.

Bucci, who lives nearby on the north end of Vancouver Island and has his own wildlife touring business, submitted the photo to CAPA Canada (Canadian Association for Photographic Art), which has roughly 90 photo clubs across Canada and close to 1500 individual members, where it was recently selected with 14 other images that scored high in the Nature/Wildlife contest to represent Canada in an upcoming Four Nations contest.

“With each image being scored by a certified CAPA judge that critique everything, I’m honoured to be part of this selection out of thousands of images submitted,” said Bucci when asked to comment. “This opportunity is pretty hard to achieve and I’m very excited to be selected among some of the best photos representing Canada.

“I’m very grateful for this accomplishment and the hard work that I’ve put into my images for the last 11 years of wildlife photography.”


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