A pair of local sisters are working to uncover the mysteries of Pitt Lake as they prepare to offer the first series of haunted walking tours in the area’s history.
Victoria Vancek and Gina Armstrong are well-versed in all things creepy and supernatural as the duo have been operating Haunted History BC for several years now, and regularly promote the unique history behind Pitt Meadows and Maple Ridge locations.
But now, they want to take people along with them on their adventures and share some of their knowledge of local lore in the new Pitt Lake walking tours that start this weekend.
“We can’t be more thrilled to share our historical knowledge and spooky stories associated with some amazing locations within our communities,” said Vancek.
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These tours will take people around three of the lake’s trails while Vancek and Armstrong share the history of sasquatch sightings, examples of Bigfoot sounds and documents, and local sightings of UFOs. They will also explore the lore behind a local cursed gold mine, including sightings of the infamous Slumach’s ghost.
Anyone wanting to join one of these tours can do so through the Pitt Meadows Parks, Recreation and Culture Fall Guide. Tours will be held on Sept. 9, 10, and 23.
However, these three dates are not the end of the sisters’ walking tour plans, with Vancek explaining they already have several additions in the works.
“Our goal is to offer these walking tours regularly at various sites throughout Pitt Meadows and Maple Ridge,” said Vancek. “We already have more tour ideas and can’t wait to unveil them for next year.”
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Their community events also extend beyond haunted walking tours, with Armstrong explaining that the duo will be at several local attractions this fall.
“Next month, look for us at Museum After Dark,” said Armstrong. “This year’s annual Halloween family event at the Pitt Meadows Museum will have a scavenger hunt with a ghostly twist. We’ll also be on site as volunteers to help with the event.”
“Oct. 4 at the Maple Ridge Library we’ll be presenting Ridge Meadows Heritage and Hauntings, sponsored by the Maple Ridge, Pitt Meadows, Katzie, and Seniors Network. Our goal is to offer a variety of events for all ages.”
Each of the three Pitt Lake walking tours will run from 1 to 2:30 p.m. and will cost $28 per person. More information is available at www.pittfitandfun.ca.