Recovering addict Mike Kappeler just released the first episode in his TV series called Recovery Life which focuses on the positive side of recovery in an addict’s or alcoholic’s life. He is seen here in downtown Chilliwack on Tuesday, Oct. 12, 2021. (Jenna Hauck/ Chilliwack Progress file)

Recovering addict Mike Kappeler just released the first episode in his TV series called Recovery Life which focuses on the positive side of recovery in an addict’s or alcoholic’s life. He is seen here in downtown Chilliwack on Tuesday, Oct. 12, 2021. (Jenna Hauck/ Chilliwack Progress file)

Former B.C. addict releases first ‘Recovery Life’ TV episode

TV series shares ‘amazing and uplifting stories’ of recovery, says Mike Kappeler

A Chilliwack man who has been sober for more than two years just released the first episode in his TV series Recovery Life.

Mike Kappeler is a former alcoholic and addict living in Chilliwack. Last year, he and videographer Brad Patterson began working on the videos where they share “amazing and uplifting stories,” for folks to hear, Kappeler said.

Instead of focusing mostly on the addict’s past addiction, they speak mainly about the positive side.

“Everybody’s aware of the negative part, let’s show some positive stuff. Let’s show the way out, how people did it, and the freedom people are experiencing today,” Kappeler said.

The first episode of Recovery Life shares Adam’s story in Chilliwack.

“Adam started drinking at a young age and as negative events transpired in his life, his drinking spiralled out of control,” reads the intro to his story. “After literally dying and being brought back to life, Adam started his path to a spiritual awakening and with the help of his sponsor completely changed his life around. He now lives a more amazing and fulfilling life than he ever thought possible.”

In the Recovery Life kick-off video shot last year, Patterson filmed Kappeler as he told his story. The two shot a concept video as well.

READ MORE: Former Chilliwack addict asks for community’s help to make ‘Recovery Life’ videos possible

Kappeler initially shared his story publicly last year as part of an overdose prevention video series by Pacific Community Resources Society.

READ MORE: VIDEO: ‘My experience with cocaine was a real dark place,’ says former Chilliwack addict

Kappeler started drinking when he was a teenager and became addicted to cocaine as an adult.

He initially went into recovery in 2008. Over the past 13 years he went back out of recovery twice, but now he’s been sober for two years.

He’s hoping for two things with Recovery Life: that alcoholics and addicts can relate to the stories so that there’s a starting point for them to get help; and that family members and employers are able to speak openly with the addicts, and put up healthy boundaries to help them get sober.

The watch the first episode of Recovery Life, go to


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