Sam Sung, who now goes by Sam Struan, is auctioning off his original Sam Sung Apple business card along with a t-shirt and lanyard to raise money for the Downtown Eastside Women’s Centre in Vancouver. (Sam Struan photo)

Sam Sung, who now goes by Sam Struan, is auctioning off his original Sam Sung Apple business card along with a t-shirt and lanyard to raise money for the Downtown Eastside Women’s Centre in Vancouver. (Sam Struan photo)

Former B.C. Apple Store employee Sam Sung auctioning off business card for charity

Sung, who now goes by Struan, previously auctioned off a business card, raising $2,500 for charity

When it comes to the world of electronics, you’d almost never see the words Apple and Samsung next to each other. But in the case of former Apple employee Sam Sung, it’s something he’s seen at least twice.

Sung, who now goes by Sam Struan, made headlines in 2014 when he auctioned off his business card from his time with Apple at Vancouver’s Pacific Centre. At the time, he raised $2,500 for the Children’s Make a Wish Foundation in B.C. and Yukon.

Now Struan has found his original Apple business card from when he worked at the Glasgow Apple Store. He’s auctioning off the original business card on E-Bay with the hopes of raising funds for the Downtown Eastside Women’s Centre in Vancouver.

As of Aug. 20, the auction is at $620. The business card which reads ‘Sam Sung, Specialist”, is framed alongside an Apple t-shirt and the lanyard he wore during his time at the store.

Bids are open until Tuesday, Aug. 23.


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