(Back row, L-R) Grand Forks’ Travis Tysick, wife Rena Bronstein, neighbours Karren Turner, Shirley and Ross Munro and Shane Zorn gather in front of a giant Santa on Valley Heights Drive Tuesday evening, Dec. 7. In the front row (L-R) are Cameron, Shannon and Blake Zorn and the Zorns’ dog, Marty. Photo: Laurie Tritschler

Giant Santas come to Grand Forks neighbourhood

The Santas are massive and somewhat costly, but neighbours say they’re worth it

Neighbours in Grand Forks’ Valley Heights have put together a spectacular display of giant Santas.

Every evening, the group of friends cranks up the built-in fans that puff up five inflatable Saint Nicks on as many front lawns. The idea came to Valley Heights’ Rena Bronstein in August, who drew her inspiration from similar holiday shows by other neighbourhoods across Canada.

What better way to get people together in the spirit of Christmas? she quipped.

IN PHOTOS: Grand Forks’ Santa parade spreads joy, Christmas cheer

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When she broached the idea with nearby residents on Valley Heights Drive, Bronstein said they were all for it — even though the Santas came at a retail cost of $250 apiece. Putting up a giant Santa is no mean feat, given that they stand roughly three metres high when fully blown up.

“It was well worth it,” neighbour Karren Truman told The Gazette Tuesday, Dec. 7. “I bought three!” she laughed, qualifying that one was for herself, the other two for homes on either side of the street.

The Santas make for quite a sight, but they’ve come with their share of “drama” since they went up in late November.

According to Shannon Zorn, one Santa blew away in a windstorm, while a second was nearly done in by an errant snowblower. The shredded Santa was rushed to the doctor and has since made a full recovery, she said.

Zorn’s nine-year-old son Cameron, who wants the real Santa to bring him a “movie theatre popcorn maker,” assured The Gazette that Mr. Kringle’s look-a-likes will be well looked after leading up to Dec. 25.



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ChristmasGrand ForksSanta Claus