Mountain biking takes a meteoric turn in Shuswap

Saturday’s (Oct. 28) sunset over Canoe is highlighted by what mountain biker/photographer Kevin Silverson believes to be meteor. (Kevin Silverson photo)Saturday’s (Oct. 28) sunset over Canoe is highlighted by what mountain biker/photographer Kevin Silverson believes to be meteor. (Kevin Silverson photo)
Zooming in on the object in the sky brought Kevin Silverson to believe it was a meteor. (Kevin Silverson photo)Zooming in on the object in the sky brought Kevin Silverson to believe it was a meteor. (Kevin Silverson photo)

It’s a bird… it’s a plane… it’s a meteor?

Kevin Silverson of Blind Bay got more than the pretty sunset he was expecting Saturday evening, Oct. 28, when he went mountain biking at the South Canoe Trails in Salmon Arm.

At approximately 5:30 p.m., Silverson turned to look at the sky and saw what he originally thought was a plane streaking across. A closer look, however, revealed what he now believes was a meteor, which he was able to snap a few pictures of on his phone.

“That’s what I assume. It was obviously something in the atmosphere,” he said. “Once I zoomed in, it was something that was on fire.”

Trying to get more information, Silverson shared his experience on Facebook, but found no other comments on the potential meteor or any mention of it having landed in the area.

“It’s super weird,” he stated. “It’s even weirder now that no one else saw it.”

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