QUIZ: A celebration of Easter

A woman admires Leonardo da Vinci’s painting ’ The Last Supper ‘, dating back to 1494-1498 and preserved at the ex-Renaissance refectory of the convent adjacent to the sanctuary of Santa Maria delle Grazie church, in Milan, Italy. (AP Photo/Antonio Calanni)A woman admires Leonardo da Vinci’s painting ’ The Last Supper ‘, dating back to 1494-1498 and preserved at the ex-Renaissance refectory of the convent adjacent to the sanctuary of Santa Maria delle Grazie church, in Milan, Italy. (AP Photo/Antonio Calanni)
Do you know the name of intricately decorated Ukrainian Easter eggs? (Pixabay.com)Do you know the name of intricately decorated Ukrainian Easter eggs? (Pixabay.com)
The Easter Bunny, shown here at the Rossland Museum, is part of Easter tradition. According to folklore, what does the Easter Buny deliver to children? (Rossland Museum photo)The Easter Bunny, shown here at the Rossland Museum, is part of Easter tradition. According to folklore, what does the Easter Buny deliver to children? (Rossland Museum photo)
The Cadbury Creme Egg is a popular treat around Easter. Do you know where this treat originated? (Pixabay.com)The Cadbury Creme Egg is a popular treat around Easter. Do you know where this treat originated? (Pixabay.com)

Sunday, March 31, is Easter.

In the Christian faith, the Easter weekend, from Good Friday to Easter Sunday, is a time to commemorate the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Easter is also a festive time with chocolate eggs, the Easter bunny and other signs of spring.

No matter how you choose to celebrate this weekend, here are some questions about Easter customs and traditions. How many can you answer?

Good luck.

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