Logo and lights graphic by RCMP.

Logo and lights graphic by RCMP.

UTV goes through ice on Cariboo lake, claiming child’s life

RCMP were called to Tyee Lake Saturday, March 23

A UTV went through the ice on a lake north of Williams Lake on Saturday, March 23, claiming the life of a young child.

Cpl. Madonna Saunderson, media relations North District RCMP said Williams Lake RCMP were called to Tyee Lake at 5:19 p.m.

Saunderson said RCMP are assisting the BC Coroners Service who has conduct of the investigation.

Police are reminding the public to be aware of rapidly changing conditions of ice on the area’s lakes and ponds as spring arrives in the Cariboo Chilcotin.

“While the ice may look safe, as the mercury rises, the ice melts making it unsafe to be on,” Saunderson said.

There are no further details available, she said.

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