A group of Canadian members of parliament gathered at the Centennial Flame in front of Parliament this week in honour of Ukraine. (MP Ed Fast Facebook photo)

VIDEO: B.C. MP condemns Putin’s actions, says hearts go out to Ukraine

Conservative posts video calling invasion of Ukraine ‘illegal and immoral’

Abbotsford MP Ed Fast has released a video condemning Russian Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine.

He has posted a brief video message on Feb. 28 to his social media channels, explaining that he and other members of parliament had just gathered at the Centennial Flame, which sits in front of the Peace Tower on Parliament Hill.

He said the MPs spent some quiet moments at the monument “reflecting on what’s going on in Ukraine, and the illegal and immoral invasion of that country by a Russian dictactor, Vladimir Putin.”

He addressed his community and those with Ukrainian heritage in his riding.

“Our hearts go out to the Ukrainian people, and I know there are many of you in Abbotsford that have Ukrainian roots and I know your thoughts and prayers are with the people of Ukraine,” he said. “May God bless ukraine in this very difficult time.”

He also posted a photo of the group gathered at the monument, saying, “We can and should do more to help them. Slava Ukraini.”

READ MORE: Abbotsford woman worried about family members in Ukraine

READ MORE: Mennonites once again responding to conflict in Ukraine with support


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A group of Canadian members of parliament gathered at the Centennial Flame in front of Parliament this week in honour of Ukraine. (MP Ed Fast Facebook photo)

A group of Canadian members of parliament gathered at the Centennial Flame in front of Parliament this week in honour of Ukraine. (MP Ed Fast Facebook photo)