“A universal health system is essential if you want a country that’s healthy and productive."
Although most citizens recognize the many values to be gained from receiving a good education, disagreement exists over what that means.
As for our local NEB hearings on the Enbridge pipeline, the decision to approve it has probably already been made.
The so-called “occupy” movement commands a lot of column inches and sound bites, whatever medium one happens to prefer.
“Class in society is determined by voice.” So wrote Marshall McLuhan, one of Canada’s most original thinkers.
Where to eat, where to eat?...” One can imagine a harried working parent exploring the options of obtaining a quick family meal amid the stresses of suburban life.
Arthur C. Clark, author of 2001: a Space Odyssey, and inventor of the concept of geostationary satellites for telecommunications, once wrote that “any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.”