Anna Marshall

Summer in Toyokoro

Recently, we have definitely felt the coming effects of summer in Toyokoro.

Greetings in Japan

Before I came to Japan, I was always told that teachers are very respected and valued in Japan.

Spring in Toyokoro

After a surprising two weeks of wet, heavy snow, spring has finally sprung in Toyokoro.

Celebrations mark start of the new year in Japan

Akemashite Omedetou Gozaimasu (Happy New Year!)! The focus that is on Christmas in Canada is on New Years in Japan.

Japan’s ATMs open for limited hours

Throughout the past year, I have talked about the weather in Toyokoro and how in a lot of ways it is differs to Summerland weather.

Summerland played host to a delegation from sister city Toyokoro, Japan. One of the many events they attended was the rededication of the Toro lantern at the health centre, a 1967 gift from Summerland’s Japanese-Canadian community.

Toyokoro delegation travels to Summerland

After almost two weeks of traveling with the delegates from Toyokoro, I am now back home, safe and sound.

Summerland played host to a delegation from sister city Toyokoro, Japan. One of the many events they attended was the rededication of the Toro lantern at the health centre, a 1967 gift from Summerland’s Japanese-Canadian community.

Spending summertime in Toyokoro

In Japan, students are on Summer Vacation from the end of July to the middle of August.

Summer in Toyokoro

It has been a very interesting year to say the least, and I am looking forward to my second and last year working and living in Japan.

Japanese students hold Sports Day

This last month in Toyokoro, students had their annual Sports Day Festival, known as Undoukai.

Changes in Toyokoro schools

Within this past month in Hokkaido, the cherry blossoms (sakura in Japanese) have both bloomed and died.

A wintery return to Toyokoro

Last month, I made my annual visit to Summerland, thanks to the Toyokoro Board of Education.

Learning lessons from Japan’s schools

The school system is quite different here in Japan.

Experiencing Thailand and Cambodia

Over Christmas break, I took a short trip to Thailand and Cambodia, for a different perspective on Asian countries.