Snowfall with total amounts of 15 to 25 cm is expected
A rainfall warning is topping off the last day of 2019
There is still space left for those wanting to sign up
Parr is excited about the possibility of playing in Halifax
Your volunteers at the food bank work year-round, but are especially busy at Christmas
In a close vote of 68 to 63, ratepayers have chosen to dissolve the water district
Spirit North is an athletics program that aims to engage First Nations youth in sports
The pole is one of three that were taken from the Talyu village area during the potlatch ban
The Youth Centre, located on the townsite reserve, is open to all Valley youth
The addition of the Northern Sea Wolf saw a big boost in this year's tourism numbers
Ocean Falls, health care, and transportation all brought forth
Jessica Miller started her new position last week
SAMS students joined millions of people around the globe who walked out of school and work today
The COS has undertaken a province-wide project focused on enforcement as well as education.
The signs are intended to encourage daily use of the language
At present there is no treatment system in place, resulting in a standing boil water advisory
Bella Coola relies on diesel all year round, and its usage is very high during the winter months
Multiple communities feeling positive effects of new ferry service
The signs feature the cultural and historical history of the area
Located beside the Hagensborg Post Office, the facility is open Wednesday and Friday from 1pm-8pm