Charla Huber

Paul Patrick of the West Shore Christmas Hamper Fund, is asking for donations of new toys to help making someone’s Christmas brighter.

Hampers fill a need and need to be filled on West Shore

West Shore Christmas Hamper Fund prepares more than 650 hampers each year

Paul Patrick of the West Shore Christmas Hamper Fund, is asking for donations of new toys to help making someone’s Christmas brighter.

Old email creates concern on West Shore

Email meant as warning from Langford fire department makes the rounds again a year later

Brotherston pleads guilty in Colwood man’s death

Greg Brotherston pleaded guilty to manslaughter in the Supreme Court of B.C., yesterday

Let there be light Langford Lt. Paul Obersteller and firefighter Mike Gordon hang a junction box in the large tree at Veterans Memorial Park on Friday gearing up for Langford’s light up Saturday night. The lights go on at 7:30 p.m.

Langford ready to light up

Tree preparations underway in Veteran's Memorial Park

Let there be light Langford Lt. Paul Obersteller and firefighter Mike Gordon hang a junction box in the large tree at Veterans Memorial Park on Friday gearing up for Langford’s light up Saturday night. The lights go on at 7:30 p.m.
Donna Ensor was honoured by the Ministry of Justice for her volunteer work at the West Shore RCMP detachment.

RCMP volunteer makes time for safety

Colwood woman recognized with safety and crime prevention award

Donna Ensor was honoured by the Ministry of Justice for her volunteer work at the West Shore RCMP detachment.
Bob McMinn, who was the first Highlands mayor, is footing the bill and adding man hours to build Highlands Museum at Caleb Pike Heritage Park.

Former Highlands mayor inputs cash, sweat equity

Opening his pocket book is the only way Bob McMinn sees the Highlands Museum project budging

Bob McMinn, who was the first Highlands mayor, is footing the bill and adding man hours to build Highlands Museum at Caleb Pike Heritage Park.
Langford firefighter Steve Adams is headed to Haiti Sunday to help at a school and a orphanage. He is accompanied with five other volunteers from Greater Victoria.

West Shore crew heads to heal waters in Haiti

Langford firefighters, a school principal and other volunteers are in Haiti this week

Langford firefighter Steve Adams is headed to Haiti Sunday to help at a school and a orphanage. He is accompanied with five other volunteers from Greater Victoria.
Curtis Petillion (centre) plays the lead in The Mix-Up written and directed by Ryan White (Left).   Lauren Cassidy  (right) wrote and directed Media Mayhem.

Belmont student scripts debut on stage

Belmont Young Playwrights festival is back with shows Nov. 28 and 29 and admission by donation

Curtis Petillion (centre) plays the lead in The Mix-Up written and directed by Ryan White (Left).   Lauren Cassidy  (right) wrote and directed Media Mayhem.
Bre Robinson gets up close and personal to a male chum at Goldstream Provincial Park.

Salmon spawn peaks in Goldstream River

Chinook numbers continue to disappoint naturalists at Goldstream Park

Bre Robinson gets up close and personal to a male chum at Goldstream Provincial Park.
Katia Chapman applies a porcelain slip on some test bowls at the pottery studio in Bear Mountain arena. West Shore Parks and Recreation, 1767 Island Hwy., is hosting a pottery sale Nov. 25 from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.

West Shore Parks and Rec offers pottery

Start holiday shopping with pottery made by local artisans

Katia Chapman applies a porcelain slip on some test bowls at the pottery studio in Bear Mountain arena. West Shore Parks and Recreation, 1767 Island Hwy., is hosting a pottery sale Nov. 25 from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.
RCMP and Langford Fire Rescue are investigating a house fire on Prsopector Way in Langford, Nov. 20.

Langford cat dies after house fire

One cat is dead and two firefighters are injured after a house fire in Langford on Tuesday evening.

RCMP and Langford Fire Rescue are investigating a house fire on Prsopector Way in Langford, Nov. 20.
Jon Weaver, 23, is in the army in Esquimalt and coaches three different West Shore youth football teams each year.

Young West Shore football coach shows dedication

Coaching two teams at once adds up with each team practising twice a week, on top of weekend games

Jon Weaver, 23, is in the army in Esquimalt and coaches three different West Shore youth football teams each year.

Highlands puts the cars before the hall

Electric charging stations planned for yet-to-be-build community hall

Cassy Allen spike a ball after Monique Lutyk sets it, during a team practice gearing up for the Island championships.

Two Belmont teams teams set to volley at provincials

All four school volleyball teams took on Island championships last weekend

Cassy Allen spike a ball after Monique Lutyk sets it, during a team practice gearing up for the Island championships.
Langford artist Shawn Pomeroy is hosing a Fundraiser for Addiction at his Surge Art Gallery. He is collecting donations for the homeless and raffling off a painting.

Langford artist willing to work for socks

Did you know that Nov. 19 to 25 is National Addiction Awareness Week in Canada.

Langford artist Shawn Pomeroy is hosing a Fundraiser for Addiction at his Surge Art Gallery. He is collecting donations for the homeless and raffling off a painting.
Sadie Forbes, left, Sarah Smith and Rosie Bitts take on the Ghosts of the Plaza.

Plaza ghosts reveal tale of working gals

Vignettes address Plaza Hotel’s hotbed of history

Sadie Forbes, left, Sarah Smith and Rosie Bitts take on the Ghosts of the Plaza.
Junior girls Jess Thomsen and Nicole Bracewell and senior girls Megan Koblun and Emily Seeley celebrate first place in the city.

Belmont volleys to top

All four volleyball teams take to the court for Island championships this weekend

Junior girls Jess Thomsen and Nicole Bracewell and senior girls Megan Koblun and Emily Seeley celebrate first place in the city.
Reinhard Trautmann, facilities co-ordinator of Highwest Landfill in Highlands stands over just one of the cells at the facility. The facility is seeking a permit to start accepting asbestos and the Capital Regional District hopes to utilize the service.

Highlands landfill asks for asbestos

Highwest Landfill in Highlands could be CRD destination for asbestos

Reinhard Trautmann, facilities co-ordinator of Highwest Landfill in Highlands stands over just one of the cells at the facility. The facility is seeking a permit to start accepting asbestos and the Capital Regional District hopes to utilize the service.
Metchosin firefighters helped secure a vehicle after a crash on Metchosin Road, Nov. 7. The driver of the vehcile had to be removed  on the passenger side after branches from the trees were cut. The driver was taken to hospital with non-life threatening injuries.

Crash traps driver in Metchosin

Tree clearing needed to free driver after crash on Metchosin Road this morning

Metchosin firefighters helped secure a vehicle after a crash on Metchosin Road, Nov. 7. The driver of the vehcile had to be removed  on the passenger side after branches from the trees were cut. The driver was taken to hospital with non-life threatening injuries.
Robin Hopper shows off some of his pottery. The painting is on the same ceramic material that covers spaceships.

Art made for space travel

Stinking Fish art show evenings held at the Metchosin Community House, 4430 Happy Valley Rd. start Nov. 8

Robin Hopper shows off some of his pottery. The painting is on the same ceramic material that covers spaceships.