Green Party MP Elizabeth May has some questions about the Northern Gateway project.
This is where I came in — writing for the Wednesday Tribune many years ago.
There is a public information meeting this Wednesday, at city hall from 4 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. where we can learn about Johnson St./10th Ave.
Six of our family members are Leos, born between July 23 and Aug. 22.
I don’t have much of a garden, mostly weeds, but there are raspberries and peas.
Columnist Diana French discusses pot decriminalization efforts.
Columnist Diana French talks about recent events, BC Hydro, the train disaster in Quebec, and possible wildfires.
I’m writing this on Sunday. If the weather forecasters were correct, the last few days should have been scorchers.
Canada Day is coming up. How do most Canadians feel about it. Just another holiday?
I’ve had my nose in Williams Lake affairs one way or another since moving here in 1970.
Columnist Diana French talks election results, recent events, and a place brand survey for Williams Lake.
GD#6 has her “L” driver’s license. She is taking driving lessons, but my job is to take her on the trials runs.
I realized that whatever “place brand” the city comes up with, one thing won’t change, and that is horse droppings on downtown streets.
The Vancouver Sun and Province plan to lay off staff because the two newspapers are no longer economically sustainable.
Some years ago, when the B.C. tourist industry began promoting the Gold Rush Trail, Williams Lake came up with an ad.
The city’s plans for a new place brand (Republic of Life) certainly has both city folk and our immediate neighbours buzzing.
Sunshine is wonderful after so many grey days. Strangers smile at each other.
I received one of those strange telephone calls making the rounds last week regarding Fish Lake.
On the city scene — the week that was. Long time School District Secretary Treasurer is leaving.
Of all the issues whirling around Williams Lake City Hall these days, the big one, of course, is the history-making civic strike.