Jim Grant

Blue chips: big and dominant not good enough

In times of uncertainty, many investors look for equity investments that represent stability and safety.

A look at options for sustainable investment income

An income fund is a mutual fund that is structured to provide regular income, typically monthly.

Using past performance to predict success

Jim Grant in his Dollars and Sense Column on managing money

Good news: your T5 is in and could reduce taxes

In some cases you should be happy to receive a T5, which can result in a tax refund

Some things to know about buying U.S. stocks

There are opportunities to be had, as long as you'r careful

Dividend Reinvestment Plans: a get rich slowly scheme

They may not be all that exciting, but these plans can be a good investment

What is an MER and why do fees matter?

It's a question you're going to want to answer in order to get the best result

Financial security leads to serious peace of mind

As we make our way through life its a good idea to put some issues to rest

Lessons from the past can be helpful

But it's important that the past be taken in perspective

Debt: a four-letter word

Canadians are holding $78 billion in outstanding credit card debt

Planning to give – the right way

Leaving a portion of our estate behind is something that is important, and that we would take great pride in achieving.

Financial advice for business owners

A carefully chosen insurance policy remains a vital part of any well written shareholders agreement.

Review beneficiary designations

It is crucial to do things right, if you want your last wishes to be met

Support for those with disabilities

There are many ways you can help those less fortunate than yourself

Consider a donor-advised giving program for your favorite charity

Charitable giving can be done in more ways than one

Climbing your way up the financial food chain

Here’s a way you can get capital preservation with dividends

Make no mistake: taxes matter

You decide how, when and if to pay investment taxes

Want to support your favourite charity?

Consider a donor-advised giving program to help out those who need it

Oceanside residents should look at common sense investing

Investors should make a point to focus on what they can control

Choose your own poison

You decide how, when, and if to pay investment taxes