I must not think of myself as standing on the shore making ripples in a lake…I am the splash.
In this story…we are not the goal of creation; we are a part of its continuing story.
God came in silence to Elijah, not thunder and lightning.
Differentiate between 'theisms' to find your comfort zone
When I open up my heart to let others into it, something sometimes happens. Something good.
Four years after Amanda Lindhout was freed, she could write, “I choose to forgive the people who took my freedom from me and abused me…”
I suggest that “I-we” is also the goal of prayer. Not to beg favours from a distant deity. Rather that God’s will, God’s goals, become ours.
Ancient monks felt uplifted while singing sonorous psalms.
I had thought of selfies as an aberration until I read The Road to Character, by David Brooks.
Most empires imposed authority from the top down. The Christian church infiltrated from the bottom up.
How we handle complex matters may show true intelligence.
The lake water lies so still that it’s hard to tell the reality from the reflection.
Think about how your other self thinks—something only we humans seem capable of doing.
Being able to entertain doubts…means that one’s faith is strong enough to withstand uncertainty and inconsistency.
Learning negotiation skills and how to compromise is all in a day’s play.
Learning negotiation skills and how to compromise is all in a day’s play.
The world’s Joy Quotient declined a little on Sunday March 6, when Ian Macdonald died.
Little hens that don’t mind the cold go north to lay eggs for Inuvik.
Did the Big Bang make a bang?…At the instant of creation, there was nothing to ripple. Not even space for the ripples to expand into.
Breathing an unconscious act that sustains us all.