Moving ever upward is not all it’s cracked up to be.
We’re tied to beliefs with little–or no–foundation.
Our place amongst the angels is a matter of interpretation.
Neither science nor the Bible should remain unquestioned.
Jays know how to spread the news just about better than any other way—cheep of beak.
Democracy’s more about the turfing out the known, bringing in hope for something better.
Even geese take turns at the front of the formation. At least, biologists say that they do.
“You told us we were escaping from bondage." Now we are all free to get into debt up to our ears.
Science acknowledges and corrects its errors; believers not so much
Update on plans to build new food bank building as Aviva contest set to open
I look, sometimes, at unlikely couples. I wonder what she sees in him, what he sees in her.
Words can create social ghettos, walls are not required.
Boundless ways Earth takes care of herself, even through unnatural disasters
Customs intuitively recognize that all rivers ultimately flow to the sea from which all living things originally came.
I suppose I take a scientific approach to religion. I’m not willing to follow blindly in the footsteps of Augustine or…Teilhard de Chardin.
Opposites to classic deadly sins not such great attributes either.
Like a tree, our growth comes from reaching beyond
…the holders of a fragment of truth become so fixated on what they are absolutely sure of that they lose sight of the horizon.
In some ways, my student years were the best years of my life. But I wouldn’t want to go back to that time.
The line would make a great rapid transit link between Vernon and Kelowna. It would make an even better recreation trail.