Markus Thiel

Thiel: A father’s inspiration to find a greater purpose to our lives

I was told once that adversity does not build character, it reveals it.

Thiel: Sleep is the most critical part of your healthy day

Many of my patients do not understand the vital importance to allowing proper time for rest and recovery.

Thiel: Isolate the pain that limits the mobility of your jaw

There is a very intimate relationship between the muscles of the jaw and the first three vertebra, or bones of the neck.

Thiel: No way to target one body part for weight loss

One study said excess intra-abdominal fat results in a higher probability of Alzheimer's disease, diabetes and coronary artery disease.

Thiel: Laser therapy helps heal aches and pains

The theory is simple. Find the problem. Fix it. Leave it alone.

Thiel: Project and receive the power of positive thinking

When we opened the ‘Ignore’ jar, there was virtually no change whatsoever.

Thiel: Overcome sedentary lifestyle by walking

I guarantee you; you will be amazed at how easy it was to start.

Thiel: Repercussions of concussions

Traumatic brain injury, or TBI, is a major cause of death and disability worldwide.

Thiel: Dealing with chronic pain

With my chronic pain sufferers I start their care by not only validating their pain, but addressing their worry…

Thiel: Feeding them the right foods makes healthy children

The growing mind and its ability to learn starts at the mouth.

Thiel: No prescription quick fixes for chronic pain sufferers

If you haven’t had chronic pain, consider yourself very fortunate.

Thiel: Leg length inequity can impact lower back

It was not until I saw a chiropractor that the genesis of my chronic low back pain was realized.

Thiel: What to expect from chiropractors

After each column is published in the Kelowna Capital News, my emails have a common theme: “Can a doctor of chiropractic help me with…”.

Thiel: Allow six week cycle to adjust from sloth to stealth

So, you’ve decided it’s time to lose a little bit of the winter belly. Good for you.

Thiel: Laser therapy fights foot ailment

People who have recently gained a lot of weight or mothers in their third trimester of pregnancy are often affected by plantar fasciitis.

Thiel: Treatment for sleep apnea is essential

If left uncorrected, it can lead to heart attack, stroke, diabetes, weight gain, mood disorders, memory and concentration issues…

Thiel: The choices are ours to make in life: To build or destroy

Take one day of your life…ask yourself how much time are you spend building and how much time are you spending destroying.

Thiel: Exercise to help relieve ‘sympathetic storm’ symptoms

Parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous system influence day-to-day metabolism, temperature, heart rate, digestion, immunity and energy.

Thiel: An exercise that helps to alleviate spinal pain or stiffness

If you are one of the many people who wake up with a stiff low back or sore neck in the morning, this is a perfect exercise for you.

Thiel: Celebrate responsibly over Christmas holidays

The season is unique in the sense that most of us will be doing things we don’t normally do throughout the year.m