I was told once that adversity does not build character, it reveals it.
Many of my patients do not understand the vital importance to allowing proper time for rest and recovery.
There is a very intimate relationship between the muscles of the jaw and the first three vertebra, or bones of the neck.
One study said excess intra-abdominal fat results in a higher probability of Alzheimer's disease, diabetes and coronary artery disease.
The theory is simple. Find the problem. Fix it. Leave it alone.
When we opened the ‘Ignore’ jar, there was virtually no change whatsoever.
I guarantee you; you will be amazed at how easy it was to start.
Traumatic brain injury, or TBI, is a major cause of death and disability worldwide.
With my chronic pain sufferers I start their care by not only validating their pain, but addressing their worry…
The growing mind and its ability to learn starts at the mouth.
If you haven’t had chronic pain, consider yourself very fortunate.
It was not until I saw a chiropractor that the genesis of my chronic low back pain was realized.
After each column is published in the Kelowna Capital News, my emails have a common theme: “Can a doctor of chiropractic help me with…”.
So, you’ve decided it’s time to lose a little bit of the winter belly. Good for you.
People who have recently gained a lot of weight or mothers in their third trimester of pregnancy are often affected by plantar fasciitis.
If left uncorrected, it can lead to heart attack, stroke, diabetes, weight gain, mood disorders, memory and concentration issues…
Take one day of your life…ask yourself how much time are you spend building and how much time are you spending destroying.
Parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous system influence day-to-day metabolism, temperature, heart rate, digestion, immunity and energy.
If you are one of the many people who wake up with a stiff low back or sore neck in the morning, this is a perfect exercise for you.
The season is unique in the sense that most of us will be doing things we don’t normally do throughout the year.m