Melissa Martin

Arts around: Book sale a success

Arts around has got some school, some pool and a successful book sale - now that's cool.

Rollin Art Centre and the city will collaborate on an art project for Echo Pool.

Arts around: Art’s going to be cool at the pool

Melissa Martin gives the who, what and where for Alberni's arts and entertainment scene.

Rollin Art Centre and the city will collaborate on an art project for Echo Pool.

Arts around: Art In Schools’ show here

This and that from here, there and everywhere in Alberni's arts and entertainment scene.

Arts around: ‘Art in Schools’ coming to Rollin

A smattering of this, that and the other from here and there in Port Alberni's arts and entertainment scene.

Arts around: it’s a banner year

Banner, book and whatever else makes you look in the arts and entertainment scene in Alberni.

Arts around: last call for book donations

This and that from here and there in Alberni's arts and entertainment scene.

Arts around: Past, present and future show coming

The next exhibit at Rollin Art Centre will be something different, titled, Past, Present & Future, The Various Works of Shayne Lloyd

Rollin’s looking for artists

A sprinkle of this and a dash of that from Alberni's arts and entertainment scene.

Arts Around: Rollin seeks 2015 entries

A smidgen of this and a dash of that from Alberni's arts and entertainment scene.


Arts around: new seascape and landscape show at Rollin

A pinch of this and a dash of that from here and there in Port Alberni's arts and entertainment scene.


Arts around: Wood art on display at Rollon

A smattering of this and that from here and there in Alberni's arts and entertainment scene.

Arts around: no more jars or cartons

A selection of events, courses and happenings in Alberni's arts and entertainment scene.

Arts around: books, banners and Oz

A little bit of this and that from here and there in Alberni's arts and entertainment scene.

The Travellers are being joined by a pipe band and the group will pay homage to the great ‘Bard himself on Jan 18.

Arts Around: from the Bard of Scotland to the Wizard of Oz

A smattering of this and a light lather of that from here and there in Alberni's arts and entertainment scene.

The Travellers are being joined by a pipe band and the group will pay homage to the great ‘Bard himself on Jan 18.

Arts Around Alberni: From new show to books you’re going to throw

This, that and the other from here, there and everywhere in Alberni's arts and entertainment scene.

Arts Around Alberni:To market, to market…

This and that from here and there and a smattering of other stuff from Alberni's arts and entertainment scene.

Arts Around Alberni: From celebration of light to banners that take flight

This, that and the other from here, there and everywhere (like a smorg) in Alberni's arts and entertainment scene.

Arts Around Alberni: We wish you a Merry Christmas, we wish you….

This and that from here and there in the Alberni Valley's arts and entertainment scene. Oh Christmas tree, Oh Christmas tree...

Arts Around Alberni: From mistletoe to banners that glow

This and that from here and there in Port Alberni's arts and entertainment scene.

Arts Around Alberni: selling banners to a class that matters

The definitive word on this, that and the other thing in Port Alberni's arts and entertainment scene.