Chilliwack has a proud military history but military tanks shouldn’t be crushing civilian vehicles
‘I wanted to do this to make people smile and make people happy’ - Darrell Ralph
Conditions include house arrest, not being within 100 metres of U.S. border, or 2 km from an airport
3 men jump off jet boat seen speeding on narrow stretch of river, then assault at least one person
Eric Shestalo, 50, accused of killing two women found dead from self-inflicted gun shots
Yves Côté spent just 11 months out of 32 years out of jail, but he believes in real transformation
‘This sapsucker mama stopped them with our help’ – Sara Ross with the Community Nest Finding Network
Grandfather helping son and wife, who have adopted four high-risk babies
Jonathan Olson involved in shooting a fellow crime associate in the head
Stolen were as many as 30 bayonets and a non-operable airsoft Tommy gun
Alberta’s Justice Centre defended ‘Ms. C’ who refused PCR test at U.S. border crossing
Fines totalling $55,200 dropped against three Chilliwack pastors
Linnea Labbee’s 2 years less a day in jail with 2 years probation stands
DFO project in co-operation with Soowahlie First Nation, ICBC and others
Homicide two years after brother James Vidal also murdered
Clip from Rob Iezzi’s now famous security set-up goes viral, hits Japanese TV and A&E
Carmen Putz’s son Dylan diagnosed at 17, died at 19 in January
‘This is still just a drop in the bucket to what we need to be able to do’ - Chad Martz
‘It just feels like history is writing itself right in front of our eyes’ - Chad Martz
After assaults at Chilliwack General Hospital, Aman Grewal talks about abuse health-care workers face