It was 1959, and our scrubby-looking family of six was stuck. A boat strike had snared us in Italy — and we loved every minute of it!
It’s a tough call, avoiding the word ‘resolution’ at this time of year — or any year!
His initials were JJP, and I knew absolutely nothing about him or Vietnam.
It was the mid-1960s, and getting close to the holidays.
Sometimes a parent simply feels alone. And it’s easy enough when overwhelmed to scream at the children.
Children aren’t always the wisest little critters.
Today seems a good day to practice what I’m about to preach. Well, maybe tomorrow would be better. After all, why borrow trouble?
It’s a place I didn’t recognize at first. A magical place whereI think theory blossoms into life.
The safest time to put a column about parenting in the newspaper just might be the first week of school.
Of course, Canadians are happy people, aren’t they?
A couple of years ago, a popular news station reported something rather odd.
During a recent trans-Canada flight, I opened to the opinion column in the Toronto Star, and was instantly captivated.
It was early evening, and our youngest daughter was busy practicing the piano, when my husband and I set out to visit an elderly gentleman.
Strolling through our mall, I heard it — heard it and didn’t like it. Didn’t like it at all. That word came in sharp staccato.
As ridiculously vain as it may sound, scars’ imperfections can be annoying, revealing hurts, and tell the secrets of graceless moments.
While researching an angle for today’s commentary, there were more quotes and anecdotes about lying than any other subject I have tackled.
Some time ago I lost one page of a piece of music. I had two pages of it, but couldn’t find the third one.
Let’s just say, for a moment, that everything on earth was once harmonious.
I don’t remember his name. It was the bottom of the third inning, and it was sweltering hot in Mobile, Alabama.
Columnist Rita Corbett muses another birthday while looking back to moments of her past
Winter is almost over; spring presses its fragile green head up through the soil, and already we are beginning to worry about summer.