Tips and tricks for bridge players
Two-over-one is a bidding system in which the direct response to partner’s opener also shows an opener if it is a new suit at the two-level.
Tips and tricks for bridge players new and experienced
Tips and tricks for bridge players
Tips and tricks for bridge players new to experienced.
"Although one wants to pre-empt the auction as much as legitimately possible, one does not want to pre-empt bad suits."
Tips and tricks for players new to experienced.
Tips and tricks for bridge players new to experienced.
"Duplicate players are natural bullies, obsessed with rules, tending towards being control freaks who love the game of bridge."
"This week, the cuebid asks partner for a stopper. This is called the Western Cuebid."
"...when you have length in opponent’s suit, you have great reluctance to declare the contract."
"When playing a weak No Trump system, a player will open One Club and rebid One No Trump with 15 to 17 balanced."
"Weak No Trump works the best when the opponents feel that the contract is being stolen from them and they make an ill-advised bid."
"West has a seven-loser hand and is down 500 if doubled at the three-level."
As was the case, for over a weak two, one does not take action with just an opening hand.
"Here North takes action over a weak two with the wrong hand..."
"South has the same hand as last week’s column, but this time, the opponents have the outstanding points."
"In the discussion of weak two’s, I would be remiss if I did not mention an aggressive system that is weak-two based."
"In this column, we see what happens when the player seated directly after the weak two takes action when he should not."
Action over a weak two in direct seat shows at least 15 HCP’s and the correct shape.However, things are different in the balancing seat.