"There is no such thing as a club weak two because Two Clubs shows a strong hand."
To make a not-vulnerable overcall at the one-level, it is generally accepted that one needs 8 HCP’s and a good suit.
"Bridge would be much simpler if every time one had points, the opponents stayed quiet."
Play Bridge with Warren Watson
"...if one has super fits in one suit or double fits in two suits, one can get a lot more mileage out of one’s high cards."
Tips and tricks for players new to experienced.
"Pass when partner is getting another bid is the hardest bid to make of all those bids."
"This is the last column in my slam series and the start of a series on competitive bidding."
This is the penultimate column on cuebidding sequences.
Warren Watson leads readers in an ongoing game of bridge.
Tips, tricks, strategies and play for a game of bridge
Play Bridge: Tips and tricks for the bridge player, new to experienced.