A message from

A message from

A message from Kamloops-Thompson-Cariboo MP Cathy McLeod

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Talk about Working Together! The Rotary Food Drive in Kamloops surpassed all expectations on Saturday, collecting 70,000 pounds of food for the Kamloops Food Bank. The record-setting volume collected in this annual event will provide food for six months for those in need and filled seven sea cans. Way to go, Kamloops!

Modified Parliament resumes

Parliament would have normally begun sitting again on April 20, but with the continued need for social distancing to contain the COVID-19 outbreak, a modified spring session is happening.

During this crisis, it is critical that Parliamentary oversight is maintained but also imperative we respect public health directives. I would have preferred a system like the UK: three days with a small group of MPs in the House and the rest joining virtually. However, the current government and opposition parties voted on a different model for Canada.

Thirty-two of the 338 MPs will meet in person on a rotating basis every Wednesday in the House of Commons, with up to two weekly virtual sessions available for members to ask questions of government.

MPs not slated to be in Ottawa will focus on helping constituents in their ridings.

Canada.ca: your go-to tool

Whether you are an individual, business owner, senior or mom-to-be, the best resource for information on federal government programs, funding and current stats on COVID-19 is canada.ca

This up-to-the-minute playbook is a powerhouse for constituents with questions of all kinds.

There is a COVID-19 self-assessment tool, a way to sign up for email updates, quarantine guidance, and descriptions of all the financial supports presently being offered by the Government of Canada, including those I outlined in recent newsletters: CERB and CEWS.

I encourage my constituents to get familiar with this solid source.


I had a resounding response to last week’s quest for groups and businesses offering essential services who were in need of a Canada Summer Jobs student. Thank you to all who reached out!

100 Mile House Free Press