Bagheera starts Clothing for a Cause

The new Fort Langley high-fashion clothing store will be collecting clothes to help battered women until Nov. 9.

A high-fashion store in Fort Langley will be collecting clothes for two organizations that help battered women.

Bagheera Boutique hopes to collect at least $2,000 worth of clothing for Ishtar Transition Housing Society in Langley and the Atira Resource Society in South Surrey and White Rock.

“With the fall and winter season just getting underway, this year, more than ever, both societies have very high demand for warm clothing and accessories of any kind,” said Bagheer co-owner and marketing manager Anton Solonnikov.

Participants who bring gently used clothes to the store will be entered in a draw to win a $1,000 shopping spree at Bagheera Boutique.

Those who don’t have clothes to donate can still enter by helping to promote the cause online.

“This year more than ever, both societies need your positive energy.”

Ishtar Transition House operates a 12-bed facility that provides temporary emergency accommodations for women and their children leaving an abusive relationship.

Ishtar also operates Libra Transition House, a 10-bed facility in Aldergrove.

Atira Resource Society is a not-for-profit organization committed to the work of ending violence against women.

The Fort Langley Bagheera Boutique is located in the Coulter Berry building at Glover Road and Mavis Avenue.

Donations will be accepted until by Nov. 9 at the store.

For more info about the Makeover for a Cause campaign, visit



Langley Times