Volunteer director Kathy Wylie encourages Vernon residents to pick up a Golf Savings Book. (Contributed)

Volunteer director Kathy Wylie encourages Vernon residents to pick up a Golf Savings Book. (Contributed)

BC Lung Association Golf Savings Book available

Volunteer director Kathy Wylie calling Vernon golfers to take advantage of savings

The BC Lung Association is calling all Vernon golfers to take advantage of summer golf savings.

The association’s Golf Savings Book features over 90 courses across the province and Washington with green fee deals, for the price of $35.

“For less than the cost of one round of golf, the book gives you access to hundreds of dollars of savings that you can use throughout the year,” said Kathy Wylie, a volunteer director for the BC Lung Association for more than 32 years, representing the Vernon region.

“The fact is, most of us know someone with a breathing problem, and buying the BC Lung Association’s Golf Savings Book gives golfers a way to give back and support the one in five Canadians affected by lung disease doing what they love most.”

All book sale proceeds support lung disease research, patient advocacy, education and support programs.

To learn more about the courses and offers available, visit golfandsave.ca online or call toll-free at 1-800-665-5864.

READ MORE: Golf savings galore

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Vernon Morning Star