A Grade 11 Belmont student pitches a business idea to a panel of judges that included Belmont business teacher, Tom Grainger, Serious Coffee owner, Paul Lamoureux, and other entrepreneurs in the community. (Photo contributed)

A Grade 11 Belmont student pitches a business idea to a panel of judges that included Belmont business teacher, Tom Grainger, Serious Coffee owner, Paul Lamoureux, and other entrepreneurs in the community. (Photo contributed)

Belmont students pitch businesses with potential

One group pitched a resume writing service for students

Belmont students came up with some great business ideas in a business pitch competition.

The competition was part of the Junior Achievement Be Entrepreneurial program in the Grade 11 marketing class taught by Belmont teacher, Tom Grainger.

Grainger, who has been a teacher at Belmont for six years, teamed up with Serious Coffee owner, Paul Lamoureux, to help mentor students about starting a business. Lamoureux came up with the idea for the competition to see what students could launch on their own.

The team that took first place came up with a resume writing service for students. Grainger said the group that pitched it could really start putting it into motion now, as it’s very applicable to people in their demographic, getting their first job and preparing for university.

The team that placed second pitched an idea of a Mexican food truck, and had even sourced food suppliers for the venture.

One of the team members is an exchange student from Mexico and saw an opportunity to bring that diversity to Langford.

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